
Category: Marketing

6 Content Marketing trends for 2021

Ivio | December 21, 2020 | Marketing

Every year, Content Marketing trends show how consumer behavior influences web strategies.  In 2021, established habits will continue, while practices seen throughout 2020 should become stronger. New technologies, media formats, and issues affecting society are factors that shape content strategies. It is essential to analyze a general background to deliver the best type of content,… Read more

COVID-19 Crisis: We Need Marketing Now More Than Ever

Ivio | March 19, 2020 | Marketing

It is a scary time of uncertainty as we get through this pandemic together. We all are still trying to go on with our daily lives as normal as possible…this is why marketing needs to be stronger than ever amid the COVID-19 chaos. Keep Your Brand Rolling, Your Business May Depend on it Back in… Read more

7 Principles of Effective Media Buying Campaigns [Updated 2020]

Ivio | March 16, 2020 | Marketing

Media buying can be one of the cruxes of a business owner. Ask anybody who’s tried to market a business online. Everything seems to crystallize on paper until the first sign of hardship hits, that’s when true adversity starts.  There are a plethora of different variables that go into an effective media buying campaign, and… Read more

Why You Should Consider Branding a Need, Not a Luxury in 2020

Ivio | January 16, 2020 | branding , Marketing

Throughout the years, there seems to have been an ambivalence surrounding the importance of branding. Small businesses and startups can struggle to keep up as they make their way through the ever-changing marketplace.  It being 2020, we strongly believe that branding should be considered a need rather than a luxury expense given the way consumers… Read more

Ultimage Guide to Google Advanced Search Operators Cheat Sheet

Ivio | January 9, 2020 | Marketing

There is a unique set of skills that all advanced SEOs should harness in their proverbial digital marketing barracks. These skills come in handy especially when running technical audits on larger sites with hundreds if not thousands of indexed pages. For the majority of SEOs out there, this means enlisting the big guns, like SEMrush,… Read more

5 Reasons Why Video Will Sink or Swim Your Marketing Campaign

Ivio | October 29, 2019 | Marketing , SEO

It is no surprise that video is one of the most effective tools for a business to engage their audience. Recent studies by Hubspot show that consumers are wanting more engaging content, and that can be done through the power of video. With a new year approaching, it is time to consider adding video to… Read more