
5 Reasons Why Video Will Sink or Swim Your Marketing Campaign

It is no surprise that video is one of the most effective tools for a business to engage their audience. Recent studies by Hubspot show that consumers are wanting more engaging content, and that can be done through the power of video. With a new year approaching, it is time to consider adding video to your marketing campaigns.

Bottom line: 81 percent of businesses already use video in their marketing campaigns, according to Hubstpot.


Here are 5 reasons why adding video to your marketing campaigns can boost your brand. 



So, if you aren’t already using videos to promote your brand, you are falling behind your competition and your campaign could be on the verge of sinking. 


  1. Add Value to Your Content

Consumers are looking for more valuable content and video adds value to any content. In fact, Hubspot reports that 72 percent of consumers would rather watch a video than reading the text. This might be because they can retain the information better, adding more value to your content. According to Insivia, viewers retain 95 percent of the message when viewing a video. This is compared to retaining only 10 percent of the message when reading the content. 


  1. Leave a Lasting Impression

Of course, videos have a lasting impact. Engaging videos can keep visitors on your page up to 2.6x longer as reported by Wistia. If you can add a CTA to your video, you will also boost your click-through rates. The longer you can keep your visitors around with valuable videos, you will also be able to increase your organic rankings.  


  1. Get More Social Shares

People love watching videos, especially on their mobile phones and Wordstream found that 92 percent of users will share the videos they are watching on their phones. More and more people are getting rid of cable, so the next best place to reach your audience is through videos on the web. Plus, videos on the web are easier to share than any commercials or ads on television. 


  1. Improve Your SEO

Posting videos is going to help your SEO in a few ways. First, did you know that Google’s algorithms prioritize websites that contain videos? This will help your brand appear on the first page of Google, which is the ultimate goal since 55 percent of all clicks go to the first three spots on Google. Next, videos will also lower your bounce rate. This goes back to videos leaving a lasting impression since visitors will stay on your page twice as long if you have a video and boosting your SEO. 


  1. Keep Consumers Coming Back to Watch Your Content 

Videos aren’t going anywhere and if you want to keep up with the competition, you need to be consistent when posting videos. When you consistently post videos for your marketing content, you will create a following, bringing consumers back to your brand. Consumers find trust in videos and trust is the foundation of a lasting relationship between a brand and its consumers. 


While businesses are realizing the power of video, the competition to make something that stands out is becoming harder and harder. Don’t let this discourage you. These 5 reasons demonstrate the true power of video. 


Think of the last time you looked something up something online. Did you click on a video, or did you read an article? The point of this being, if you are not creating content that you yourself would not want to click on, then the chances are your audience won’t click on it either.