
Brand Color Theory 101: What Your Brand Colors Say About You

In the evolving world of branding and marketing, every little detail matters, and one of the most magical elements at play is color. The colors you choose for your brand’s logo, website, and marketing materials can have a profound impact on how consumers perceive and interact with your brand. Psychology and marketing seem to work together in inconceivable and sometimes ambiguous ways, but trust us, the colors you use can help you tell a story. 

You may be asking yourself, “what kind of emotion should my brand emulate towards my target audience?” If your brand is targeted toward a health centric audience, then green would be a great choice, as it is a common color in vegetables and other healthy plants. It is inherently important to the success of your brand identity to choose colors that are representative of your brand’s story. 

In this article, we’re going to delve into the intriguing world of color psychology, with a special focus on six colors – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple – and how they can work their magic in shaping brand identities and influence the way your audience perceives your brand.

1. Red: The Color of Passion and Energy

Let’s start with red – the attention-grabber. Red is all about strong emotions, from love and excitement to anger. Brands that utilize red in their logos often want to convey passion, energy, and a sense of urgency. Think about iconic brands like Coca-Cola and ESPN – their use of red is no accident. Red can even make you hungrier, which explains why it’s a popular choice in the food industry. It’s a quick way to  create excitement and desire for the product or service you’re marketing.

2. Orange: The Color of Creativity and Enthusiasm

Orange is the color of endless enthusiasm and creativity. It’s like a friendly wave hello, inviting you to join in on the fun. Brands that want to come across as approachable and playful often embrace orange. Nickelodeon and Etsy know this trick well. Plus, orange can also signal affordability, making it a smart choice for brands that want to shout, “You’re getting value for your money!”

3. Yellow: The Color of Sunshine and Optimism

Yellow is the color of sunshine, happiness, and positivity. It’s a ray of pure optimism. When you see yellow, you can’t help but smile. Brands like Cheetos and IKEA have harnessed the power of yellow brilliantly. It’s not just attention-grabbing; it makes you feel cheerful and welcome. Yellow is like an instant mood-lifter, which is perfect for brands aiming for a friendly and sunny image.

4. Green: The Color of Growth and Eco-friendliness

Now, let’s talk about green, the color of nature, growth, and health. Brands that go green often want to say, “We care about the environment, and you can trust us.” Whole Foods Market and Starbucks are green gurus in this respect. Green also hints at wealth and prosperity, making it a go-to choice for financial institutions.

5. Blue: The Color of Trust and Reliability

Blue, the universally beloved color, symbolizes trust, dependability, and professionalism. It’s like the reliable friend you can always count on. Tech companies like IBM and social media giants like Facebook use blue to show they’re rock-solid dependable. Blue also has a calming effect and oozes stability and security, making it perfect for brands aiming to build trust and long-term relationships.

6. Purple: The Color of Luxury and Creativity

Last but not least, we have purple, the color of luxury, creativity, and sophistication. Brands like Cadbury and Hallmark are masters at using purple to create an aura of elegance and exclusivity. Purple also has a touch of spirituality and mystery. If your brand wants to stand out as unique and offer premium products or services, purple is your VIP ticket.


In the world of branding and marketing, colors are like the secret ingredients that make the magic happen. Understanding the psychology behind colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple can help you choose the right shades to align with your brand’s message and target audience. Whether it’s igniting passion, building trust, or radiating creativity, the right color can leave a lasting impression and transform your marketing efforts into pure magic. 

So, next time you encounter a brand’s logo or marketing materials, pay attention to the colors – they’re telling a story you might not even realize or recognize.